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Albano Hummel

EDIT: @thomasp who is a sysadmin at Vivaldi has mentioned that this can be turned off in the Vivadi settings. See for details.

@simon I can confirm this also works on @Vivaldi.

Vivaldi staff, is this the best place to report this to hopefully be fixed? Or is there a better place to do so?

Rachael Ludwick

@alh @simon @Vivaldi Also checked on my macos vivaldi and then saw this reply. Very curious. :/


@alh @jon could you guys please look into this and comment?

Thomas Pike

@alh @simon @Vivaldi It is already possible to turn this off in Vivaldi. Go to Settings > Privacy & Security and uncheck "Meet (was Hangouts)" under Google Extensions. You will need to restart the browser for the change to take effect.

Thomas Pike

@alh @simon @Vivaldi Note that, as the setting warns, it will break various Google services.

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