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Johannes Ernst

This is the kind of thing the rest of the #fediverse needs to do: focus on specific user segments with specific use cases and solve their needs

@mosseri says: "When we launched, we were very focused on facilitating conversations... a broader use case, which is sharing your ideas. It's a place for commentary about what's happening in the world...
But it's evolving.. go even deeper on key verticals... gain on NBA Twitter. I would like to see more in the world of European football..."

Johannes Ernst

@mosseri says about Threads: "... if you're really trying to grow your presence, you should reply much more than you post... the sum of all your replies is about as valuable as the sum of all the value of all your posts.

When people treat it, like, I'm just going to post and then move on with my day and then post again in a couple days and move on with my day — that's not what it's designed for....

Johannes Ernst

@mosseri continues " ...If it was for that, we wouldn't have built it as a separate app — we would have built it in Instagram. But we built it so that the reply was as important as the original post — so that you could facilitate, when you're lucky, these great conversations, which by the way helps with discovery.

The Twitter natives that come over tend to understand that. And the Instagram natives less so.

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