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Avi Bryant

@mjk @neauoire there’s certainly lots of prior art there in forth and smalltalk with threaded code interpreters and JITs.

William D. Jones

@avi @mjk @neauoire What is Fidget? If I did a JIT, UXN is probably what I would target.

Alas, the only JIT code that I've ever been able to remotely follow is mupen64_plus's, and that's JITs MIPS to ARM/x86/a few others (register machine to register machine). So there would be a further learning curve to unstackify UXN to ARM/x86/etc.

Matt Keeter

@cr1901 @avi Fidget is , a JIT for rendering implicit surfaces (among other things!)

It's mostly unrelated to Uxn; the only similarity is that both are bytecode-based VMs.

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