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6 posts total
Matt Keeter

wishing a very happy


day to everyone who celebrates

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It's CLOSED...
(Did Eliav2, get fired?)

waffles 🧇

@mjk ah yes. This code base belongs to my employer and we have a meeting room named the same, and it’s always free because ppl are afraid to book it


@mjk Tbh I'm tempted to learn js AND React just to use that property.

Matt Keeter

biblically accurate ethernet packet

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@mjk It misses the old gods IPX and SPX.

Fritz Adalis

@mjk @da_667
netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Local Area Connection" mtu=3

Stephen Hoffman

@mjk For those unfamiliar, there are myriad networking protocols that operate over Ethernet that are not IP.

That includes DECnet of course, and MOP traffic including periodic MOP SYSIDs, and DEC thoughtfully reserved Ethernet type 0x6006 for their customers, so who knows what that type contains.

Random Ethernet type thought: does VSI or HPE “own” 0x6006 now?

Matt Keeter

Over the past few months, I went down the rabbit hole (hah) of @neauoire 's Uxn + Varvara computer, and have re-emerged with an emulator!

It's especially fast, written in safe Rust, and runs both natively and in the browser:

Here's the full writeup:

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Bad Diode

@mjk congrats! I enjoyed the writeup, and was already familiar with your blog. In particular I’m looking forward to try the reverse linear register allocator. Thanks for sharing!

⛧ esoterik ⛧

@mjk wow! this is very impressive! ✨✨✨

Devine Lu Linvega

@mjk Wow, that's amazing. I've been away from the internet for a few days, I'm so glad to see this, once I have a bit more bandwidth I'd love to try and build it, I've only tested the js frontend and it runs everything well.

I think the only port missing is the expansion port? Trying to run the most complicated rom(oquonie), I get this:

panicked at raven-uxn/src/
range end index 458496 out of range for slice of length 65280

Matt Keeter

Y'all want to see a cool shader?

This is mashing up two ideas:

-'s closed-form "signed distance to a quadratic BĂ©zier curve" solver
- using winding number to determine inside/outside-ness

Putting these two ideas together, we can render a BĂ©zier font from its raw control points, as a single (huge) closed-form math expression!

Matt Keeter

@raph successfully nerd-sniped me into writing a translator from Sudoku grids → Z3 programs.

Doing it in Scheme was a fun exercise: quasiquoting makes it easy to generate SMT-LIB syntax inline, and the whole program is only 27 lines!

Here's the code:


Matt Keeter

#introduction đź‘‹

My name is Matt, and I'm a hardware & software engineer in Cambridge, MA.

I've done everything from PCB design to computer graphics research, and currently work at @oxidecomputer

Niche interests include rendering & meshing implicit surfaces, writing embedded software in Rust, personal-scale manufacturing, weird linear algebra tricks, and more!


@mjk @oxidecomputer oh! youre the person who made pont! i studied it a bit (and plan to study more later) when i was trying to figure out how to do interactive webdev in rust. thanks so much for making, documenting, and publishing it.

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