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Chris Gioran 💔

@dalias I think you are attributing way too much agency to them.

It's not high aspirations for AI's capabilities. It's fundamental disinterest in the subject matter that's the problem.

My bet is that they thought - gee, this looks like a hard problem. I bet that no one has thought about it before, so instead of me investing the effort to understand it, I'll just have AI solve it for me.


@chrisg @dalias

AI is also a hard problem, but people have the illusion that they understand it because they know how to `import keras`

Rich Felker

@chrisg That's kinda the whole thing, the anti-expertise sentiment behind it. 🤬

Rich Felker

@chrisg And, not incidentally, the same anti-expertise sentiment is characteristic of fascism.

Chris Gioran 💔

@dalias Very true.

Now that you wrote this, I realize it is possible to draw a line between obsession with AI and it's associated deification of existing knowledge to some of Ur-Fascism properties, like the cult of tradition and cult of action.

Luis Bruno

@dalias we're tired of experts, brexit means brexit, innit guv?


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