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Cam Cook

@Gargron Our team, Studio CMS (we're all engineers guided by a photographer) has been building a fedi-friendly CMS for photographers for the past bit, were almost out of alpha and are in desperate need of guinea pigs

Michael Hanscom

@ccook Random drive-by response: How tech-savvy do your guinea pigs need to be? For instance, I’m fine with LAMP style things that can be tossed onto a Dreamhost server and plugged into a MySQL database, but nope right out of installs that start with “just spin up this Docker container” because I haven’t had time to learn what that even means, let alone figure out how to do anything with it.

I’ve been looking to find a way to move from Flickr to self-hosting in some way, but haven’t found a strong option yet.

Probably unnecessary background rambling:

@ccook Random drive-by response: How tech-savvy do your guinea pigs need to be? For instance, I’m fine with LAMP style things that can be tossed onto a Dreamhost server and plugged into a MySQL database, but nope right out of installs that start with “just spin up this Docker container” because I haven’t had time to learn what that even means, let alone figure out how to do anything with it.

Cam Cook

@djwudi sadly no self hosting; though I might push for that later (I'm the one on the team yelling BUT WHAT ABOUT OPEN SOURCE FOLK / ALT TEXT IS REQUIRED).

We target non-tech folk. The most advanced you'd need to really know is how an FTP client works (if you choose to hook your camera or laptop up to us for direct upload). The rest is all web interface.

Michael Hanscom

@ccook I at least have curiosity (and as an accessibility advocate, appreciate that there’s someone yelling about alt text). Maybe I could help? No worries and good luck if not, of course!

Cam Cook

@djwudi I'll mention it at my scrum meeting next week


@ccook @Gargron What do you need of these guinea pigs?

Cam Cook

@ang6666 I'm gonna bring it up more with our team next week. But essentially people who can use our services and tell us all the things that are confusing, not working, could use improvement. We ofc find these things ourselves but we're so busy making all the features we can only make notes of it for now.


@ccook I can help with that, if you are interested. I am looking for exactly that - photo cms that would federate… (@mlikamera )

maique :prami:

@ccook @Gargron Looking forward to it, sounds quite interesting.

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