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Aral Balkan

Somebody reported me to myself, y’all. How’s your day going? :)

Hint: if you don’t like my comparing Israel to Russia, go tell Israel to stop acting like Russia.

(And find out how the fediverse works before you go making an arse of yourself trying to censor me on my own personal instance.)

#censorship #moderation #fediverse #embarrassing #israel #palestine #russia

Aral Balkan

(Ironically it’s from “A Mastodon server friendly towards anti-fascists.” I guess I must be the wrong kind of anti-fascist.)


Hippo 🦀🦀

@aral wait wait, so reports are cross-server? If I report something from another instance, it goes to the admin of the other instance, not of my own?

I guess that makes sense; just hadn't thought of it before!

Aral Balkan

@badrihippo Not sure if it goes to the instance the person is on too (I guess they could ask for my instance to be instance blocked on their server or something). Since I don’t moderate anyone (or want to; that’s why I have an instance of one and why I’m working on the small web – I don’t want to be a mini Mark Zuckerberg, no matter how small) I don’t know the specifics, sorry.

Hippo 🦀🦀

@aral no worries, I still know a lot more than I did half an hour ago 😉

Miaourt 🏳️‍🌈✨

@badrihippo @aral when you report something, it goes to your administrators first, but you can opt-in to send the report to the concerned server too
It usually take form of a "forward to" on most mobile app or web app, but maybe it's different on your and you checked it by mistake (or maybe it's not an option and forcibly forwarded, idk)

Alexander Bochmann

@badrihippo @aral It's an option on the report that you can tick if you want it to go to the originating instance in addition to your own moderators.


@aral Interesting way of putting it.
Are you the only moderator in that instance? in such a case minimum should be to leave the decision to someone else. If you decide for yourself about the moderation of yourself then I believe its pretty much an autocratic situation.
my 2cts
#censorship #moderation #fediverse #embarrassing

Aral Balkan

@natacha Wanna come moderate my blog too? :)

My instance is my own personal space. “You moderating yourself” is called personhood.

No one is forced to listen to me. If someone doesn’t like what I’m saying they can block my account or the instance.

Aral Balkan

@natacha PS. I’m the only person on my instance. It’s an instance of one.

#smallWeb #singleTenant #personhood


@aral nI did not know...
Interesting iits a good way not to get challenged.
I would never have though about doing that ....

Aral Balkan

@natacha It’s not about not getting challenged. You can get challenged all you like (as anyone you haven’t blocked can reply and challenge you). And, as I said, no one is forced to listen to you either as anyone can block your account or the whole instance.

But what it does is correctly model personhood, which the “servers of many” model doesn’t.

It’s the small tech/web philosophy. Communities are made up of individuals. That’s what we model.

#smallTech #smallWeb

@natacha It’s not about not getting challenged. You can get challenged all you like (as anyone you haven’t blocked can reply and challenge you). And, as I said, no one is forced to listen to you either as anyone can block your account or the whole instance.

But what it does is correctly model personhood, which the “servers of many” model doesn’t.



Personal Instance is indeed a choice, mine is a collective choice, I find it more nurturing as you have to negotiate a way of sharing a space and some common grounds in discourse.
It also alleviates a lot the personality visibility.
I usually only block real problems fascists and such and people attacking, I do not block people because of what they say but because they start being a nuisance, This is a personal choice.

Paul Wilde
@natacha you can certainly still get challenged.
The great and beautiful thing about the fediverse is anyone can set up their own instance on whatever hardware they have lying around or on a cheap VPS and interact with the rest of the fediverse on an equal level.
Having your own instance does indeed protect you from being blocked from your own instance, but you're still at risk of being blocked by other instances in the same way anyone else would be.
That's OK though, as @aral says, it's the same as real life communication.
@natacha you can certainly still get challenged.
The great and beautiful thing about the fediverse is anyone can set up their own instance on whatever hardware they have lying around or on a cheap VPS and interact with the rest of the fediverse on an equal level.

@aral "Somebody reported me to myself..." Excellent 😂 Makes me want to report admins like you.

Aral Balkan

@cedric Only I’m not an admin. It’s an instance of one. The only person I’m administrating is me. (As it should be.)

#smallWeb #smallTech #singleTenant #personhood


@aral yep, even more fun for single person instances ;-)


@aral wait, I didnt know russia is armed and supported by the west to torment a poor country?


@aral I *do* hope nobody will start a fascist/racist instance 😮

Aral Balkan

@maru Oh, they exist. You just block the instance. And folks share block lists. So no biggie. They can talk to themselves all they like.


@aral fortunately haven't come across any of them!

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