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Andrew Tropin

Booting Guix/RDE on Proxmox-based VPS (not succeed yet).

I started with rescue in-ram debian system and tried to write qcow2 image to sda:

modprobe nbd

qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd1 cloud-rde.qcow2

dd if=/dev/nbd1 of=/dev/sda status=progress

What am I missing 🤔

Felix Lechner

@abcdw Why qcow? I installed Guix on Letbox and Linode with gdisk and GRUB.

Andrew Tropin

@lechner Because I was using it for qemu and it was ready to go.

Andrew Tropin

Ok, the problem was in missing virtio_scsi initrd module, thank you to @daviwil for help! :)

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