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Andy Nortrup :cascadia: 🌳

@itty53 @glennf @clive when I was an Army cadet we went to a training program where we were required to throw one live grenade. But there were national guard instructors who stood in the grenade pits all day all summer and helped cadet after cadet throw one grenade. There were thousands of us in a single summer.

The same thing is repeated at basic training, and advanced training day in and out.

Clive Thompson

@andy @itty53 @glennf

God damn

Those poor instructors, what a crapshow

Enema Cowboy

Did you fire the 4.2" mortar? That was the loudest thing that I have been exposed to.
@itty53 @glennf @clive

Andy Nortrup :cascadia: 🌳

@Enema_Cowboy @itty53 @glennf @clive no, I was a signal officer, so I didn't spend a lot of time around big booms outside of the basic orientation and qualification on individual weapons.

Enema Cowboy

@andy @itty53 @glennf @clive

I was a Combat Engineer, but we did fire 105mm howitzers and 4.2" mortars at Advanced Camp.

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