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@AT1ST @TofuTheSquirrel @warandpeas it’s also remotely possible, and hear me out here, that this is all BS and vampires don’t even exist, much less have some pseudo mirror invisibility property. 😂

Even so, it’s more fun to discuss this than it is to discuss the potential end of democracy.

Alexander The 1st

@dashrb @TofuTheSquirrel @warandpeas Look, it could be useful if my DnD character encounters a vampire soon, and we can use that logic to solve a problem involving a vampire recruit joining us and pulling tricks like that.


@dashrb @AT1ST @warandpeas yup yup, funnier than the end of democracy, absolutely. (It's election night here in France 😥)


@TofuTheSquirrel @AT1ST @warandpeas I hope folks come to their senses prior to your runoff next week! Good luck!

Inc Hulk

@TofuTheSquirrel @dashrb @AT1ST @warandpeas I was living in France (in 06) when Le Penn did well in the first round. I was very proud of my colleagues, even the one who never voted, all went to make sure Le Penn was beaten. This time there is more support for the racist politics, unfortunately. Good Luck!!!


@IncHulk @dashrb @AT1ST @warandpeas yes. Years of CNews (far right tv channel) have constructed an alternative reality in the mind of a lot of people. It's very hard to change that now.

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