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Johanna Janiszewski

@TofuTheSquirrel @warandpeas maybe when its worn on the body it becomes part of whats not visible? You should be able to see the clothes if you can see the markings I think.


@JohannaMakesGames @warandpeas interesting. But... What if he were riding a bike ? Would the bike reflection shows ? Would the contact of the hand enough to make it non reflectable ?

Johanna Janiszewski

@TofuTheSquirrel @warandpeas so I went to check their comic strips and found this data regarding photos: chairs: visible, fishing rod: invisible ,(fish on it is visible though). So it looks like it needs skin contact?


@JohannaMakesGames @warandpeas but what about shoes then ? Don't vampire wear socks ?

Johanna Janiszewski

@TofuTheSquirrel @warandpeas thats a good question, they either dont, or its something that can be, sweated through a sock 😂

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