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64 Islands Airship Co-op

@ephemeromorph the whole seed crystal idea is ominous and spooky, wow. as is the suggestion that we're constantly shedding bits of everything we've ever ingested, which of course makes sense

64 Islands Airship Co-op

@ephemeromorph "Researchers have tentatively suggested that [progesterone] form 2 became gradually harder to produce around 1975, based on a review of production difficulties documented or alluded to in existing literature."

positively lovecraftian implications.

someone's going to synthesize a thing and its going to cause one of our neurotransmitters to pop into a lower-energy polymorph that works the same but is several orders-of-magnitude more delicious-smelling to the old ones, crikey

Daniel Darabos

@airshipper @ephemeromorph Yeah this is wild. If one mL of a substance has around 10^22 molecules, and it's mixed with all the water on Earth (10^21 L), then every liter of water on the planet will have 10 molecules of that substance. It's roughly the same for air but I guess it mixes faster.

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