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Esteban K�ber :rust:

@jwz non-cyclists that are confused by activism think that activists are attracted to cycling, when the reality is that becoming a cyclist very quickly radicalizes one into becoming an activist. Nothing crystallizes strong opinions as being frequently threatened with death by at best indifferent and at worst aggressive and antagonistic people.

Sven S. Svensson

@ekuber @jwz this is what happened to me. i started cycling again and thought to myself, "this is fucked. how can this be allowed?"

i've only become more radicalized since.

Cainmark 🚲

@ekuber @jwz

I just wanted to bicycle back and forth from work. Resent that I pretty much had to become an activist because I was being hassled by police for bicycling legally and they kept making up their on laws I was supposedly breaking. Opened my eyes to a lot of other problems that I didn't ignore, but my privileges kept me unaware of.

Cainmark 🚲

@marcprecipice @ekuber @jwz

I really, really don't understand the mindset of people who choose to block bike lanes.


@cainmark @marcprecipice @ekuber @jwz The one bike lane in my neighborhood has three parking spaces right next to it, but twice now I've seen all three empty with a car blocking the bike lane just ahead of them... I guess the car driver didn't want to walk across the bike lane...? I wonder if they can get tickets or if they face zero consequences for needlessly blocking traffic


@semitones I see this constantly with delivery trucks -- pulling over into an available parking space right in front of them is too much of a hardship. @jef posts examples of this kind of thing all the time.

Jef Poskanzer :batman:

@jwz @semitones I wish more people in this country understood "can't be arsed" because that's an exact description of their thought process.


@jef @jwz the one near me the cars have to literally drive past the open spots in order to block the bike lane. Can't be arsed indeed! I'll need to take a picture next time I see it... except usually I can't be arsed either :p


@jwz @jef Yeah exactly. Thanks for linking to Jeff's account -- this picture is almost exactly what I'm talking about (but with passenger cars)

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@semitones @cainmark @marcprecipice @ekuber @jwz Reminds me of the situation in Germany. Here it's basically pointless to call cops in many cities, even if they see it they it there rarely are real consequences. Recently the public learned about unofficial police orders in many cities to go easy on car drivers parking illegally.

Or the other time a driver faced no consequence at all for killing a cyclist because they couldn't possibly see them from within their oversized SUV at that angle.


@ekuber @jwz Get them out of their cars and they might be human.

It'll be okay, we'll make it.

@ekuber @jwz

People wonder why I wear so much armor when I ride my bike. Partially for cars and collisions, partially for defense.

People are like allergic to bikes out here. I purposely got an ebike that looks like a motorcycle just because it does so well in the snow and because cars don't bat an eye at it.

Playing chicken with lifted Ram trucks isn't very fun. Neither is "stray" bullets on rural back roads. By the way, those people shoot like stormtroopers.

Everything you said is spot on.

Joshua M. Clulow

@ekuber @jwz distantly similar to being a tenant renting in the bay area

Martijn Faassen



Here in the Netherlands activism isn't associated with cycling because the activists won long ago. I see cyclists abroad on roads full of cars and I feel intense fear.


@faassen @ekuber activists "won", but the modal share of cars kept increasing, while the modal share of bicycles has been declining pretty steadily in the Netherlands since that time.

I think it's more truthful to say that car mobility didn't manage to completely extinguish cycling here.


@ekuber @jwz

This essay crystallized it in my head. People who buy cars believe they are buying the right to go faster than anyone else. When stuck behind in vehicle traffic they don't mind, those people bought the promise too after all, but a cyclist is sabotaging the promise the motorist paid tens of thousands for.

Though they would deny it if asked, all motorists see cyclists merely existing as an act of aggression and act accordingly.

@ekuber @jwz

This essay crystallized it in my head. People who buy cars believe they are buying the right to go faster than anyone else. When stuck behind in vehicle traffic they don't mind, those people bought the promise too after all, but a cyclist is sabotaging the promise the motorist paid tens of thousands for.

David S

@divclassbutton @ekuber @jwz like rice screaming at water for getting through the sieve first

Marco van Burgsteden

@divclassbutton @ekuber @jwz Basically yes. Although less overt here in the Netherlands.

Charlie Stross

@divclassbutton @ekuber @jwz @quixoticgeek Cars are marketed as signifiers of personal freedom. Just turn on the TV and watch the ads, look for car ads that show the drivers commuting to work in heavy traffic … you won't find them, will you. Instead it's all winding roads in beautiful countryside and no other vehicles!

idlestate's SDF liason acct


more perversely are the ads presented in an urban setting, with few if any pedestrians, cyclists, stop signs or signals, but most especially other ~~cars~~ light trucks, let alone enough to constitute "traffic"

@divclassbutton @ekuber @jwz @quixoticgeek


@ekuber @jwz think this + an education in automobile capital's relationships to the axis in WWII would crystallize car culture as a culture of death in many for once

aaaa bbbb

@ekuber @jwz @temptoetiam
Well, with that being said, most of cyclists aren't radicals enough.

How many do have spikes and others hazardous equipments on their bicycle(s) ?

How many are happy with stupidly made cycling ways because « at least, they did one » ?

Gaëtan Duchaussois

@ekuber @jwz i was confirmed in this by a coworker who dress very like a conservative and have conservative stakes explaining at lunch time how to break car mirrors


@gduchaussois @ekuber @jwz This is why I always kept my bike lock in my belt loop. I broke *many* car mirrors off in the bay.

Actually did one on the way to my first anger management group meeting and gave the guys a chuckle. There were 8 of us, 4 were cyclists.


@ekuber @jwz Even just being a pedestrian in NYC is radicalizing. When I get on a bike it's the same but on steroids given the contempt and recklessness car drivers show you.


This is very correct. I only get angry on the road when someone comes close to nearly killing me, which is incredibly infrequent when I'm driving, but about monthly on a bike.
@jwz @jessta

John Gordon

@ekuber @jwz That used to be true but where I live cyclists have a very different experience. Car trauma is unusual. Separated trails and quiet streets allow me to go almost everywhere I want to go. (MSP)


@jgordon @ekuber @jwz This is why I really like the MSP metropolitan area! I like how being able to bike to every part of the whole metropolitan area is mostly pretty decent. The ability to do that makes it where I don't only survive but thrive without a car. I don't feel hemmed into the pocket of the city I live in. I had jobs in the past ask if I wanted to move to a couple of other places and the added expense of a car and housing wouldn't offset the increased pay so I declined.

John Gordon


And then there are all our parks. MSP is a pretty amazing place thanks to some visionary city planners back in the 19th century.

St Paul has lagged MPLS but recently we are coming on strong. MPLS is #1 nationally but #4 ain't bad.


@ekuber @jwz amen to this!! by the second time a van almost hit me on my way to work, the local government already knew who I was because of my many complaints


@ekuber @jwz may i use your words and spread them? I think of different variations concerning the term "cyclist" because in my opinion they are true for the most types oft activism, including political and ecologic ones.

Dave Winer ☕️

@ekuber @jwz


they have bumpers on their vehicles

our bodies are our bumpers.

Maria Langer | 📝 🎬 ⚒️🛥️

@ekuber @medley56 @jwz I DEPEND on my bike for transportation as I travel by boat throughout the US and Canada. But no matter how much I ride, I will NEVER be the kind of anti-car/truck activists I see on Mastodon every day. Some of these people really need to get a grip. Not everyone can bike instead of drive for a lot of reasons. Yes, push for bike lanes. But stop trying to get people to stop driving. It ain’t gonna happen.


@mlanger @ekuber @jwz Eh I see both sides of this. Like yes you live a very fun life that requires you to drive. I would probably do that too if I could. But the people I’m trying to convince are the daily commuters who drive 20 minutes each way instead of taking a bus 30 minutes each way or biking. Everyone complains about traffic but like, they are choosing it.

But like you said, more than targeting individuals, we need free, rapid, frequent public transport, protected bike lanes, congestion pricing, and more expensive parking (think what we could do with all the reclaimed space). We need to make it possible and incentivized to not drive.

@mlanger @ekuber @jwz Eh I see both sides of this. Like yes you live a very fun life that requires you to drive. I would probably do that too if I could. But the people I’m trying to convince are the daily commuters who drive 20 minutes each way instead of taking a bus 30 minutes each way or biking. Everyone complains about traffic but like, they are choosing it.


@ekuber @jwz same thing happened to me in amateur radio. Just showing up and being active resulted in extreme weirdo sexism. Attempts to change this lead to some progress and more hatred, and then direct activism. It's been quite the experience.

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