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@ernie while I totally agree from a moral pint of view, IA knew they were flaunting rules and got sloppy / arrogant about it. While the copyright system BADLY needs reform IA brought this world of pain onto themselves knowing that system very well and should have known better.

For me it raises a pressing matter of who archives the archive..? We need redundancy of such important services to protect them against catastrophe be that technological or bureaucratic.


@ernie what IA were doing may have been morally right but we all know morality doesn’t come into copyright law 😒

Ernie Smith

@wiredfire I think IA pushed the edges of the program a little too hard during the pandemic but the idea of checking out digital forms of physical books is how things should work. It’s infuriating that it does not


@ernie absolutely, it’s maddening. In a similar way I have a stack of physical books but I just don’t read them, I always pick up the Kobo instead. There is no legal route for me to simply format-shift them to digital. Of course there are plenty of routes I could go to furnish myself with digital copies, but still.


@ernie There was a service that tried to do this for a while, you had to write a message in the book and send photo as evidence and it used that to determine one book = one ebook. Naturally publishers hated this idea and the whole thing fell apart fairly quickly 😠


@wiredfire @ernie I have never heard of that "write a message in the book to prove ownership" thing and as a librarian who has also worked at Open Library, I am very curious, Do you remember what it was called?


@jessamyn @ernie it was called “Shelfie”. All gone and burried now but this is an article that touches on how it worked from the end user point of view:

Dana McFarland

@wiredfire @jessamyn @ernie I remember some mystification and discussion about names on the tp verso when examples of these started surfacing as discards. There were other apps that worked the same way.

Dana McFarland

@wiredfire @jessamyn @ernie iirc there was also at least one case of a library reporting that they had this strange form of vandalism occur, where a name would be found on the tp verso.
That would seem not very well thought through.

Death by Lambda

@wiredfire @ernie morally right or morally evil?

If the former, please help me understand how AI has been morally trained?

Riley S. Faelan

@wiredfire *hiss*! *boo*!

You're pretending that the "rules" are some sort of objective, knowable, and respectable thing? *hiss*!




@wiredfire @ernie How do you go about moving IA to a more federated or at least less centralised system? Figure the data for all of the archives must be into the high end of the petabyte range at this point.

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