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Chris Taylor

@sabi it was an IBM Mwave card that shipped in an Aptiva desktop: It was horribly buggy, and combined with the fact that IBM shipped the machine with it’s own flavour of DOS (PC-DOS), I had to learn a lot about PCs in order to get Doom working.

Sabrina, canid forest spirit

@ccmtaylor a lot of later internal modems were “soft” modems that were basically sound cards just like that and relied on the host PC to do the audio processing. It made the modem a lot cheaper and they generally worked well provided you had drivers for your OS (sorry Linux users!) This is the first example I’ve seen of a dual purpose device and I can imagine all kinds of ways that could be a horrible user experience!

Chris Taylor

@sabi yes, it was unique :). I mean I can see the appeal of reusing a bunch of circuitry, but in practice it was the worst of both worlds. According to Wikipedia, there was even a lawsuit 😮
In retrospect though, I blame it for getting me into computers, so it wasn’t all bad 😆. I got pretty deep into config.sys lore, and my first ever “program” was an interactive autoexec.bat based boot menu

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