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Kevin Karhan :verified:

@sabi 300bps is super simple and just 4x the tty speed of 75bps...

2400bps is the limit that works on shitty phone booths with acoustic couplers...

The Doctor

@kkarhan @sabi Even if you gain access to the copper and patch in directly.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@drwho @sabi depends on the #POTS / #PSTN system.

In some cases, that may be it...

- But I usually don't consider vandalism as a valid strategy when cyber-nomading...

The 2.400bps limit is what can be achieved with a Konnex Konnector Acoustic Coupler on the carbon/graphite mic & speakers of #US payphones...

In #Germany, your limit was 56kBit/s or 64kBit/s because #HyTNAS means you always get a V.92-capable line that gets switched to (also permanently present, but potentially disabled) #ISDN channel if you can just replace the handset, but with the absurd decision by @BNetzA to allow #DTAG to shutdown the #HyTNAS in favour of shitty #Vectoring-#DSL / #VDSL you can't get shit to work at all...

@drwho @sabi depends on the #POTS / #PSTN system.

In some cases, that may be it...

- But I usually don't consider vandalism as a valid strategy when cyber-nomading...

The 2.400bps limit is what can be achieved with a Konnex Konnector Acoustic Coupler on the carbon/graphite mic & speakers of #US payphones...


@kkarhan @drwho @sabi @BNetzA 2400 was the first "big step", below that just too easy to out-type or out-read. It's also the fastest I could get working over satellite phone relay from the arctic (2-4s latency), quite robust to bad lines or the like.

Past that, everything of course became a bit quicker, but from 1200 -> 2400 on the BBS's for me felt like dial-up -> DSL.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@cowman @drwho @sabi Yeah, 2400bps/s is like the modern day lower limit for #narrowband: Even #iridium does that [and I guess that was your SATCOM link if you were above 82° parallel]...


@kkarhan @drwho @sabi 82nd would be really far up there! Right about 70, the sats being military (NORAD).

The Doctor

@kkarhan @sabi @BNetzA I don't think it's vandalism if you take the screw out of the maintenance panel in the bottom of the pedestal it's mounted on. But, if it's nondestructive I don't think it's vandalism, your mileage may vary.

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