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Sabrina, canid forest spirit

I debated whether I should include the "something else fancy" option but one of you selected that. If you happen to see this comment, would you mind telling me what kind of connection that was?

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@sabi for the most part: #HSCSD @ 115,2 kBit/s (mostly due to throttling on #3G networks which peaked at 7,2MBit/s...

But the absolute first was 64kBit/s #ISDN...

Sabrina, canid forest spirit

@kkarhan more people than I thought had ISDN! I’ve only personally known one person who had an ISDN connection and it wasn’t his first. I did know the admin for my local ISP who at one point had four 33.6 modems in some sort of bonded configuration which was pretty rad but obviously not his first modem either.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@sabi local telco offered 20hrs p.m. of ISDN with free channel bonding for ~ €15 p.m. back then...

Julius Schwartzenberg

@sabi @kkarhan had ISDN? I recently hooked up an ISDN phone again to make SIP calls ;)

Dan Shick

@sabi @kkarhan I worked for Pacific Bell Internet in the '90s. the product manager for ISDN used to say, "it's so hard to explain and sell that internally we call it I Still Don't kNow"

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@datn @sabi Whereas in #Germany #ISDN was more of a norm than exception to the point that only senior citizens that only paid for the basic must-offer landline didn't have it...

In fact, ISDN phone system cablings are so common CPEs like AVM's "#FritzBox" still offer the S0 bus interface to this day since every small office used that - espechally when cordless #DECT systems weren't an option...

Peter Sommerlad

@sabi @kkarhan I used ISDN in Switzerland from 1997 before I could get cable around 1999


@PeterSommerlad @sabi @kkarhan ISDN 64kBit/s, played with channel bonding to have 128kBit/s. Ran a server that dynamically added the second channel on demand, i.e. high usage. Worked great as ISDN connections have no "handshake elevator music".

Karl Baron

@sabi @kkarhan Where I lived in Sweden, if you wanted a second phone line (for a home business), they were likely to give you ISDN. So all my friends with a parent running a business started out on ISDN.

Grouchig. Der Grummler.

@sabi It was 45.45 Baud for RTTY (Radio Tele typing) on HAM radio in 1981.


@allenwb @sabi
Me too! Dad brought it home from work and I would play Trek on a Multics system.

Bartosz Taudul

@sabi It's not me, but the 128 something fancy was extremely popular in Poland in the early 2000s, as the first widely available dedicated Internet connection.


Wikipedia states that between 1999 and 2004, there were 125 thousand of these consumer lines in operation.

Bartosz Taudul

@sabi Oh, and these were commonly used as shared Internet access points for neighborhood networks. The kind where some kids would throw the network cable across the street, or from window to window in an apartment building. So you can easily multiply the number of clients by 5x or so.


@sabi it was lower than 56k I'm relatively sure so that is why I selected the 128 choice. Later realised you meant 128k . So i probably should have selected 33..6 It was extremely slow

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