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We are working on push notification support for our official apps!

- {username} followed you
- {username} liked your post
- {username} commented on your post
- {username} sent a DM
- {username} requested to follow you
... and a few more ✨

This will be rolling out later this weekend across our servers ( and .art) and on other servers where available.

#pixelfed #pushNotifications


IMHO it would be nicer in present tense
- {username} follows you
- {username} likes your post
- {username} commented on your post
- {username} sent you a DM
- {username} requests to follow you


@pixelfed I hope each of these notifications will be opt-in from the app. If I get one notification I don’t want/expect from an app, I disable all notifications. Too many apps abuse the notification system. For example, I likely want notifications for comments and DMs but probably want the rest off. 👍

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