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She was a hard right winger. The IDU has their highest award named after her and Bush!!

DELETED replied to Snowshadow


Given the current nutcases and narcissists running the world, I'd almost long for the idyllic world of Saint Reagan and Saintess Thatcher than the insane asylum run amok of Donald Trump.

We vote not for the politicians we'd like to have, but the choices we are given and the opportunities that take us closest to our desired destination.

Snowshadow replied to DELETED

@tayledras Reagan and Thatcher started this mess so don't wish for that again.

You are correct we vote for the choices we are given and lately that is a problem.

DELETED replied to Snowshadow


And you think Trump will create lesser messes?

I cannot fathom what future historians will make of Trump's foreign policies and political actions.

Most of "our" [US] current miasma is the US still "digging out from under" the policies and actions of both Bush administrations.

Snowshadow replied to DELETED

@tayledras Where the heck did you come up with that assumption? Of course I don't think Trump is a solution! Who do you think is behind Trump/Heritage Foundation- it's the IDU.
Yes, The US is still digging out from Bush and Reagan.

DELETED replied to Snowshadow


It was rhetorical, not accusative.

"And you think Trump will create lesser messes?" was an actual discussion I had with my aunt this last week.

None of our politicians are especially good. We don't value decent politicians or treat them very well.

We need to take stock of our meager offerings and choose the least-bad rather than the known-good.

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