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sam henri gold

tbh i treated art school as mostly an improv exercise. you can totally heighten and "yes and" your way to a good grade. here are some nonsense thesis statements I almost did. please steal them:
- Democratizing Neo-feudalism as a Service
- Intersectionality in the Third Dimension: A VR Experience
- Re-imagining Mona Lisa as a transmasc icon
- The Politics of Pizza: A Marxist Analysis of Toppings
- The Subversive Power of Knitting: A Queer Theory Approach


@samhenrigold Art school taught me how to plausibly explain away my late-night I-can't-be-bothered-to-fix-this-problem-so-that's-how-it's-going-to-be decisions from the previous day on the spot during our final project presentations.

And people say it has no practical applications! Ha!

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