@apicultor @molytov @internetarchive
Thanks, Cory. 🙂
Yeah, no, it doesn’t help at all. Theft is theft. No sugarcoating it.
@apicultor @molytov @internetarchive Thanks, Cory. 🙂 Yeah, no, it doesn’t help at all. Theft is theft. No sugarcoating it. 4 comments
@apicultor @brianstorms @molytov @internetarchive |
@brianstorms @molytov @internetarchive It is not theft because if someone steals a copy there is not one less copy remaining to be sold.
If someone pirates it that would have otherwise paid, that is indeed lost income. But what about all those who never would have paid anyway?
Not trying to justify any loss of income for creative folk; just trying to put things in perspective.
I will say that I had never heard of your book, but it sounds interesting. Maybe now I'll buy one, thanks to piracy!