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Julian Andres Klode πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@nik @healsdata @Zugschlus @keepassxc The rename will happen, ftpteam willing.

As for the direction of the trixie transitional package, maybe that is the best. We'll certainly kill it after Trixie, then apt install keepassxc tells you the two choices and you can decide for yourself.

Nik | Klampfradler 🎸🚲

@juliank @healsdata @Zugschlus @keepassxc

I don't see any problem, then. Clean transition to a reasonable choice.

Jon Campbell :fosstodon:


You say it took a year to make this decision, admitted to not talking to upstream about it, and recognized it would cause confusion for users for at least a year.

And then suddenly, in one day, you have plans to make a better UX, some other team willing.

All because you decided what features this software should & shouldn't have and are bending things to your preferences.

Man, it must be nice to be in a role where you can act so transparently antagonistic with no repercussions.


@juliank i appreciate your diligence, and personally i am very happy with the minimized version of keepassxc, but i don't understand why you needed to insult the keepassxc developers for that? (

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