@sophie I think this actually fixes the two biggest problems with Recall: it's on by default (although they changed that after pushback), and it's controlled by a thoroughly untrustworthy company with a history of exfiltrating data without meaningful consent and sneakily changing settings when they find it convenient. OpenRecall has other issues, but at least those issues are fixable; MS Recall's are not.

Side note: I feel like these tools are overkill for what they aim to accomplish: most of their utility could be achieved with just a browser extension to save and index the text on each webpage (and some image analysis too?) and maybe a plugin for LibreOffice and Obsidian/Joplin. That approach would also keep messaging apps unindexed, and would have no risk of grabbing passwords since it could tell what's a password field (and could also keep a list of login pages not to index).