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Sophie :nixos: :ferris:

OpenTorment is a fully open-source, privacy-first alternative to proprietary solutions like Torment Nexus. With OpenTorment you can easily torment yourself, enhancing your pain and suffering without compromising your privacy.

Brie (robot girl)

@sophie wow! the privacy first alternative to destroying your privacy :ms_robot_grin:

how cool, I can't wait to use it! /s


@sophie 3 weeks old, with 1.4k stars...apparently some people value this project.


@sophie I think this actually fixes the two biggest problems with Recall: it's on by default (although they changed that after pushback), and it's controlled by a thoroughly untrustworthy company with a history of exfiltrating data without meaningful consent and sneakily changing settings when they find it convenient. OpenRecall has other issues, but at least those issues are fixable; MS Recall's are not.

Side note: I feel like these tools are overkill for what they aim to accomplish: most of their utility could be achieved with just a browser extension to save and index the text on each webpage (and some image analysis too?) and maybe a plugin for LibreOffice and Obsidian/Joplin. That approach would also keep messaging apps unindexed, and would have no risk of grabbing passwords since it could tell what's a password field (and could also keep a list of login pages not to index).

@sophie I think this actually fixes the two biggest problems with Recall: it's on by default (although they changed that after pushback), and it's controlled by a thoroughly untrustworthy company with a history of exfiltrating data without meaningful consent and sneakily changing settings when they find it convenient. OpenRecall has other issues, but at least those issues are fixable; MS Recall's are not.


@sophie Linux users going full : "look, of course it's a terrible idea, but we can't have anything that windows can do but not Linux" X)


@sophie I came to make the joke that OpenTorment was obviously developed by the makers of the TormentNexus, and sure enough…


@sophie they had me at the screenshot of a melon husk tweet /s


@sophie This is what I hate about current debate about #ai, people tend to throw the baby with the bathwater.

And yes #microsoft_recall has a kernel of good idea implemented by the worst corporation ever


@sophie As an #AuADHD person I wouldn't throw this out of the window (ha ha) outright… :thonking:


@sophie is it written in Perl, Scheme, or Objective-C?

Angus McIntyre

@sophie I am intrigued by the idea of OpenTorment, but I wish to torment others and be tormented by them. Does OpenTorment support a distributed tormentverse based on a robust Torment Sharing Protocol (TSP)?


@angusm @sophie I am offended by the stance of the OpenTorment maintainers on LGBT so I switched to LibreTorment, and urge everyone to follow.


@angusm @sophie i think they implemented a just barely incompatible and unversioned gossip protocol named "agile containment breaches". you can glean most of it's functions by reading the source-code, that the binary packages are inspired by.


:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? 🦑

@sophie Also since it's open source it's actually three guys on two continents that does ALL the work and they have to defend against "slow updates" from people trying OpenTorment coming from XOrment and MS Torment which both has "much quicker updates and more features".

Philipp Riederer

@sophie Since the license changed from SIL to WBL, I just cannot stand anyone recommending OpenTorment anymore The real community is around LibreNexus now!


@sophie (openTorment has telemetry baked into the source code)


@sophie plot twist: it has actually good ui/interface, further tormenting you via reverse psychology by removing the usual torment of using foss software.

Förbundet Sverige Namdalen

@sophie I much prefer LibreTorment as it licensed under the LibreRPL license. Now torment is really unrestricted.

No subscriptions
No cloud
No bullshit
All torment
Maxi 10x 💉

@sophie LMAO, is this a reaction to this toot?

»you’re a fossbro if your main problem with the Torment Nexus is that people should be using OpenTorment or LibreNexus instead«


@frumble @sophie I also saw that one and was like: I won't be able to find that post again. Now something like recall would come in handy.

Maxi 10x 💉

@laalsaas @sophie Or just the Mastodon search? Found it with query for "LibreNexus".


@frumble @sophie You're right on this one. Tbh, I've been disappointed by mastodon search so often that I didn't even bother trying. (Don't get me wrong, I know it's harder in a federated system)

hazelnot :yell:

@frumble @laalsaas @sophie there's instances that disable text search, like the one I'm on

But that's a feature lol

Maxi 10x 💉

@hazelnot @laalsaas @sophie It’s not a disabling, rather enabling Elasticsearch is rather costly.


@sophie is it free as in speech or free as in fall?

Normal Human Being

@sophie @jwz unless it’s BSD licensed like LibreTorment it’s really a nonstarter for me.


@sophie instead of mere pull requests they take requests to be drawn and quartered.

Jef Poskanzer :batman:

@sophie What you're referring to as OpenTorment is in fact GNU/Torment, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Torment


@sophie The torment nexus is one of the most delightful inventions to come out of internet culture IMO :)

⊃ ∪ ∩ ⊂ ∆ ∩

@sophie Clive Barker is the Sam Altman of OpenTorment


@sophie i like the missing documentation, sketchy download-links, and artistic deviations from conventions which establish a wide variety of pain and frustration even before the installation has even started!

Jessica's new Main I searched it and found the post you left on nodeBB ​:neocat_googly:​
I thought it was a program


@sophie I prefer Free Torment which offers an alternative license and a plethora of pain options, including Pain Plugins and support for all the BDSm distros!

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