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What is the desired end-goal bootstrapping story for pre-scheme?

Andrew Whatson

@filip The current project is focused on running the compiler in a Scheme implementation, and generating native code with a C compiler.

The bootstrapping story is really a question of "how much Scheme" and "how much C". I'd love for Pre-Scheme to run on GNU Mes, but that hasn't been investigated yet. I'm in touch with folks in the bootstrapping community who are experts in minimal C compilers, and intend to do a detailed analysis of compatibility at some point. Early diagnosis is that Pre-Scheme isn't very demanding of a C compiler and targeting minimal compilers should be possible.

Beyond that, there's the possibility for adding new backends to the Pre-Scheme compiler. The original compiler described in "Compilation By Program Transformation" emitted m68k assembly. The paper "A Tractable Native-Code Scheme System" describes re-purposing the compiler as a bytecode optimizer, which involved writing a backend to emit Scheme 48 bytecode. I also have colleagues who are very interested in the possibility of a WebAssembly backend.

#prescheme #bootstrappablebuilds

@filip The current project is focused on running the compiler in a Scheme implementation, and generating native code with a C compiler.

The bootstrapping story is really a question of "how much Scheme" and "how much C". I'd love for Pre-Scheme to run on GNU Mes, but that hasn't been investigated yet. I'm in touch with folks in the bootstrapping community who are experts in minimal C compilers, and intend to do a detailed analysis of compatibility at some point. Early diagnosis is that Pre-Scheme...


@flatwhatson Running Pre-Scheme with Mes and then compiling resulting C with Mescc sounds like a perfect place to be at some point.

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