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Andrew Whatson

Announcing the Pre-Scheme Restoration project! Many thanks to @nlnet who have made this project possible.

#scheme #prescheme

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Mirko Hernandez

@flatwhatson @nlnet Reading the s48 refmanual I notice that the numeric types use double and long, and booleans use char. Could this be configurable in a future implementation?, pre-scheme could be an awesome meta programming tool but the current scheme48 implementation seems too restrictive.

Jamie Jennings

@flatwhatson I am delighted to see that this effort exists! In the early 90’s I built robots that booted to s48. Jonathan Rees made scheme work brilliantly. In the late 90’s I set up a new group of robots with Kelsey’s Kali scheme. On one of my visits to NEC, I asked Richard about pre-scheme.

I think jar called it “a compiler only one person could run”, so I didn’t feel too bad that I couldn’t get it running on my own.

But that’s a story for another day.

I wish you great success!

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