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Did you catch the story about the Wayback Machine on CBS News Sunday Morning? 🌞 David Pogue chatted with @brewsterkahle about archiving the web, and the lawsuits from publishers & the recording industry that threaten our mission & your access to information. Watch now:


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle can’t, they blocked all access for people who use adblocker, javablocker and tracking blockers.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle Right now, by pure coincidence, I have two books opened with Internet Archive, one a heady tome by James Grotstein, and the other a novelette called The Menagerie of Babel, which first introduced me to Carter Sholz. And thank you!


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle
While I definitely understand the importance of copyright laws, If I understand correctly, what they did essentially creating a library during covid for students and others that needed access to books was the right thing to do.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle Yes, the internet is a service, and market forces, with far higher capitalization than any service provider, wish to make it into product entirely.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

Hands off the Internet Archive! You can only complain if you do an equivalent service to the public as they do! They're doing what you should be doing instead of cowering behind some obscure copyright crap!

AAP: "American publishers fuel the creative economy, advance scholarship and lifelong learning, and promote free expression and the democratic exchange of ideas."

Going after a non-profit organization doesn't sound free or democratic at all.

Storm Light

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle The internet archive is a corpus to the works of humanity. It's downfall would mark the end of internet freedom. Long live the internet archive.

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