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@remenca @sjuvonen @tinker

So ... Interesting point, but I think it's not entirely accurate. I would say the problem is human greed, which uses capitalism as a vehicle. As long as there's people that are ambitious and wanting to be powerful, those people will use whatever systemic tools available to get it. Socialism helps, but if greedy people get into the leadership and corrupt it, they can still use those systems to make themselves powerful. It does make it harder for them though.
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@remenca @sjuvonen @tinker

The problem with AI is that while the technology is not necessarily evil, it's more easily used by the powerful. What makes this technology so scary for me is that Sam Altmans of the world are leveraging this tech now.

When you talk about not working, I see myself in a system that only rewards me with survival for working while providing no actual opportunity to do so, which is terrifying.


@remenca @sjuvonen @tinker

It's terrible because what should be a liberating tool as you frame it is in reality being weaponized against the regular Joe. Joe calls in to xyz corporation to complain about terrible product x, and AI plays the gatekeeper, screens joe from getting to a person, meanwhile CEO boss Steve saves money by doing the bigger dick move, and the environment burns as icing on the cake.


@remenca @sjuvonen @tinker

The potential for a Star Trek future is there, that's certainly not what we're dealing with now, and I have serious doubts we'll be around long enough to see what the world looks like once the tech matures.

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