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Maggie Maybe

@tinker I thought the Blockchain was looking to solve the problem of illegal activities being trackable and prosecutable.

I thought money laundering was the point of the block chain.

And maybe a pyramid scheme or two, because some tech Bros didn’t have enough money?

@infosec_jcp 🐈🃏 done differently

@maggiejk @tinker

I thought it was a #LoT ( Ledger of Things™ ) where things are tangibles, money 💰, assets, art, stuff in an inventory, software, hardware, collectables, poor and rich people things and stuff, etc, isn't it? An evolution of the BitCoin transaction ledger 📒, selling soooo many ASICs to do the maths, or an accountant ledger but with maths very difficult to modify to verify the ledger wrapped around it for verification and wot not, but, oh god there is a NFT in there what are they gonna do when there server goes down oh god who owns this jpeg, of fsck, oh fsck, the server is down... Or something, init?

@maggiejk @tinker

I thought it was a #LoT ( Ledger of Things™ ) where things are tangibles, money 💰, assets, art, stuff in an inventory, software, hardware, collectables, poor and rich people things and stuff, etc, isn't it? An evolution of the BitCoin transaction ledger 📒, selling soooo many ASICs to do the maths, or an accountant ledger but with maths very difficult to modify to verify the ledger wrapped around it for verification and wot not, but, oh god there is a NFT in there what are they...

Dragon-sided D

@maggiejk @tinker Remember that not all governments are benign. It is a very important social safety valve that technologies exist which no government can control.


@dragonsidedd @maggiejk @tinker First, governments can control the blockchain. North Korea and Cuba just turn off the Internet.

Second, do we even really want technology "no government can control"? If bad governments can't stop you from doing good things with it, neither can good governments stop you from doing bad things with it. For example, the plans for censorship-proof "web3" never know what to do with revenge porn or CSAM.

Dragon-sided D

@cholling @maggiejk @tinker
I think liberal democracies have reached broad consensus about totalitarian governments.

I prefer the existence of a total free speech platform, to the other option of totalitarianism.

Hell, my Tor snowflake bridge is used by IP addresses in Russia and China. Even those states can’t stop it. That’s the whole point.


@dragonsidedd @maggiejk @tinker So you don't think CSAM should be censored? Thanks for telling me I should block you.

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