@plexus I love this because it puts into words part of my discomfort with LLMs. With LLMs aimed at generating visual art, it's easy for me to find the words as to why I find it wrong for a variety of reasons but I could never articulate why I hated LLMs that output text.

This is exactly it.

I consider myself a writer and one of the few things I take pride in is my communication/language skills. I'm not *amazing* at it nor am I formally educated in it but it's something I've honed over time and is a skill that's really important to me. And now with a snap of your fingers you can have a computer generate a letter for you without you ever taking the time to consider the words, phrases, and tone to use. There's joy in that but unfortunately money hungry capitalists don't care about joy. They care about profit and efficiency (and also selling snake oil).