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Alex Schroeder

“Let me Google it for you” was a bad reply back in the days; these days telling somebody “to google something” is insulting because we all know how aggravating it is to spend time and energy against privacy invasions and sifting through the AI slop and the grifters. Life is short and there’s no time for this.
I try to err on the side of caution and always add links to stuff if I can. I’m preparing for the total breakdown of search as we know it.

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Alex Schroeder

Some days Internet search feels like we’re at the capitalist optimum where everything is as painful as possible but not prohibitive. Can’t live without it (to find those link farms, advice sites, public archives) but also can’t find the private websites and blogs.
Is it true that Reddit managed to replace all the blogs or is it true that we just can’t find them anymore.
The real problem is the loss of trust all around.

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