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Eugen Rochko

Retraction: My information about Mastodon reaching 4 million registered users was based on the @mastodonusercount bot, but I am afraid upon closer inspection its data is incorrect.

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@Gargron @mastodonusercount

It's gonna be really hard to ever say exactly how many people are using Mastodon (and the fediverse at large) because lots of people sign up and then never post again, and lots of active users have more than one account (I have 4 for example)

Sad mews~

Eugen Rochko

The merit of that metric is debateable in the first place. What really matters is MAU (monthly active users), not total registered users, but most stats aggregators only collect/focus on the latter, and as such, that's what people see and keep track of and get excited about. And my take on it is, if people get excited about it, why not? It's still a milestone, you just have to understand the nature of the milestone.

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