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@burgerdrome Computer ad in the 2030s: Introducing Microsoft’s new Aurb! Powered with AI, it provides you with the most relevant responses to your questions, we’ve done away with that pesky keyboard and mouse schtick; Aurb responds entirely to swiping actions. Better pull some-a those rods out of the nukeano, because the energy demand is insane! Get ready for the purchase that is fully integrated with the Microsoft ecosystem or whatever the fuck we’re calling it now.

Pictured: Aurb

Pair of hands holding a magic 8 ball; the answer on it is “Outlook not so good”, which, to be fair, is not an AI hallucination.

@WhiteCatTamer @burgerdrome Will it also be made from nanothin glass that breaks if you so much as sneeze at it and can't be fixed by users but must be returned to a Microsoft licensed repair shop that charge as much for repairs as the cost for a brand new one?

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Ken Marable

@WhiteCatTamer @burgerdrome To be completely accurate, that picture should be a room full of workers in India holding Magic 8 Balls and typing the responses into computers.

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