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Annelies Kamran

@LeslieBurns @plexus that tracks - I saw an interview with Sting from a few years ago and he made the point that the song structures have also become less complex (somewhere in this interview:

I feel like we're simplifying the things that ought to be complex, and vice versa. Like we're doubly doing it wrong (wrongness squared?)

Hen Gymro Heb Wlad

@akamran @LeslieBurns @plexus Yes, Rick Beato's YouTube channel (in your link) has regular videos where he gives his (highly opinionated 😉) take on the musical quality of recent chart records, in terms of musical complexity - rhythm, melody, harmony etc - style and lyrics etc. He often laments the decline in musical sophistication in popular music across many genres in recent decades, even in artists whose work he otherwise rates highly.

Annelies Kamran

@hengymrohebwlad @LeslieBurns @plexus I haven't seen that many of his videos. But my point was that this was *Sting* saying it in the interview.

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