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@Mer__edith Nobody is going to use the compliant apps. Instead, they will allow installing apps from "untrusted sources," download something like Signal(which will never allow backdoors) from servers not in the EU (since Google Play and Crapple will have to remove it or exit the EU market), and ignore this law. It would take effort on the scale of China's Great Firewall to prevent this and even that would leak, as does China's censorship.

If their ISP blocks the download, they will go to Tor or a VPN and bypass ISP filtering

Misuse Case

@LukefromDC @Mer__edith Most people donโ€™t know how to do stuff like this. Regular folks using WhatsApp will get surveiled and have their lives ruined by false positives.


@MisuseCase @Mer__edith Than it will be up to that to make this as accessable as we can and to broadcast information and warnings.

Those the government most wants to surveill will as always be the ones they miss. From organizers to underground direct action crews, from the best freedom fighters to the worst terrorists, they won't be able to read ANY of that traffic.

This will be like trying to prevent drones from delivering guns and drugs into prisons by monitoring the nearest airport.

In other words, the surveillance will hammer the civilian populace while completely missing its intended audience, same way IOF bombs do.

@MisuseCase @Mer__edith Than it will be up to that to make this as accessable as we can and to broadcast information and warnings.

Those the government most wants to surveill will as always be the ones they miss. From organizers to underground direct action crews, from the best freedom fighters to the worst terrorists, they won't be able to read ANY of that traffic.


@MisuseCase @Mer__edith First step: In Android permissions you can with one "click" enable installing apps from one existing app. Got to settings->apps->Files (or whatever you have)->advanced/Install Unknown Apps and set to "allowed" and you can then install downloaded apps from the file manager.

In older versions, it was under "security" and would allow installing non-Google Play apps from any program on the device that could open them. This of course had the potential disadvantage of allowing silent installation of malware from the browser.

@MisuseCase @Mer__edith First step: In Android permissions you can with one "click" enable installing apps from one existing app. Got to settings->apps->Files (or whatever you have)->advanced/Install Unknown Apps and set to "allowed" and you can then install downloaded apps from the file manager.

In older versions, it was under "security" and would allow installing non-Google Play apps from any program on the device that could open them. This of course had the potential disadvantage of allowing silent...

Misuse Case

@LukefromDC @Mer__edith Itโ€™s okay I have Signal and I know how to use it

Schneckbert ๐ŸŒ

@LukefromDC @Mer__edith The problem is not only bypassing the monitoring and surveillance - the problem is BEING monitored; watched and classified. It changes behavior. It's not freedom. If you have to hide that you are communicating (encrypted or not) the game is over. It's not a government anymore.


@waldschnecke @Mer__edith Note that I am operating from what is effectively a wartime perspective, in which the government is treated as the enemy. In my case I am also very well known, so this becomes a conflict between combatants who are already aware of oneanother, as is almost always the case in meatspace (realspace).

They can see WHO I am, can read my public posts, but cannot read my private Signal messages. Seeing that I am a Signal user gives them exactly zero new information, and they cannot even see who I am talking too.

Putting it another way, I am one of those the government MOST wants to be able to monitor what I say to whom, but whom this sort of legislation is least effective against. It's like trying to stop a tank with tire spike strips

@waldschnecke @Mer__edith Note that I am operating from what is effectively a wartime perspective, in which the government is treated as the enemy. In my case I am also very well known, so this becomes a conflict between combatants who are already aware of oneanother, as is almost always the case in meatspace (realspace).

Schneckbert ๐ŸŒ

@LukefromDC @Mer__edith Yea, you're not wrong.
It's very unfortunate for all of us - whatever the outcome is - because even if it doesn't go through, parts of the governments WANT(ed) this. Which is unacceptable - and all this comes with more problems. Even if not in place, who do I trust? Based on what?

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