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Schneckbert 🐌

@LukefromDC @Mer__edith The problem is not only bypassing the monitoring and surveillance - the problem is BEING monitored; watched and classified. It changes behavior. It's not freedom. If you have to hide that you are communicating (encrypted or not) the game is over. It's not a government anymore.


@waldschnecke @Mer__edith Note that I am operating from what is effectively a wartime perspective, in which the government is treated as the enemy. In my case I am also very well known, so this becomes a conflict between combatants who are already aware of oneanother, as is almost always the case in meatspace (realspace).

They can see WHO I am, can read my public posts, but cannot read my private Signal messages. Seeing that I am a Signal user gives them exactly zero new information, and they cannot even see who I am talking too.

Putting it another way, I am one of those the government MOST wants to be able to monitor what I say to whom, but whom this sort of legislation is least effective against. It's like trying to stop a tank with tire spike strips

@waldschnecke @Mer__edith Note that I am operating from what is effectively a wartime perspective, in which the government is treated as the enemy. In my case I am also very well known, so this becomes a conflict between combatants who are already aware of oneanother, as is almost always the case in meatspace (realspace).

Schneckbert 🐌

@LukefromDC @Mer__edith Yea, you're not wrong.
It's very unfortunate for all of us - whatever the outcome is - because even if it doesn't go through, parts of the governments WANT(ed) this. Which is unacceptable - and all this comes with more problems. Even if not in place, who do I trust? Based on what?

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