I wrote a polyglot program that is both a valid tga image, and a valid rom that will draw that same image.
@neauoire You are truly a wizard, I'm in awe!
@wim_v12e I am a wizard of the useless!
@neauoire You are an artist. It's great to do things like that for their own sake.
@neauoire WAT. 💯
@neauoire This reminds me of @Ange 31C3 talk: https://media.ccc.de/v/31c3_-_5930_-_en_-_saal_6_-_201412291400_-_funky_file_formats_-_ange_albertini
@neauoire Impressive! The closest I ever got was a humble "echo 'one three nineteen' | wc". 😄
@neauoire You are truly a wizard, I'm in awe!