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After AI took his job as an online assistant, Mr Clippy was obliged to seek work in other sectors

A metal toilet paper holder in a corner od a bathro,with an empty roll, that looks similar to a large paperclip
Which One's The Monkey?

@OutOnTheMoors "You look like you're trying to take a dump. Would you like help?"

Which One's The Monkey?

@OutOnTheMoors My apologies to anyone who, without context, read that while on the toilet.



It's good to have you back in the feed!



@OutOnTheMoors I hate today’s Microsoft, but how I miss Clippy.

Niels Nielsen, geographer

@OutOnTheMoors After a short while he realized that he was much more appreciated in this new role.

Johann, le génie de Sudouestie

@OutOnTheMoors :clippy:'It looks like you're trying to wipe your butt! Would you like help?'



@OutOnTheMoors automation (Copilot) taking people's jobs again

C'était Marud depuis le début :mastodont_v2:

@OutOnTheMoors Clippy saw some weird shit during his former career. He wasn't aware of the kind of shit he would see after being pushed out by AI.

Simon Zerafa


Such a sad end for an internationally beloved character 😟


@OutOnTheMoors windows xp memories... flowing to my head

D's lack of faith in humanity

@OutOnTheMoors I'm sitting on the toilet and Clippy starts complaining how immigrants like ChatGPT put him out of a job.

"Really Clippy?" I ask, revolted.

Clippy says something about Wojciech Zaremba under his breath and slowly hands me some paper as I wipe and quickly leave.

"I'm glad I turned that feature off when I was using office" I think as I wash my hands.

Faux around & find out🦊🍸

@OutOnTheMoors It was a crappy job, where he just saw coworkers spinning in place until they were used up and replaced by management. But he felt attached and unable to leave. It often stunk to be there, but it beat where he saw most of his coworkers go.

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