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argv minus one


I dunno, the replicator technology depicted on Star Trek would nicely solve a rather serious cultural problem.

That's not the problem. The problem is that “AI” and cryptocurrency are not capable of or intended to solve any problem. They're cash grabs, nothing more. A shiny novelty to dazzle you while the crook rifles through your pockets.


@argv_minus_one @ian
Someone said that replicator technology had to be invented after the utopia was in place, in order that it be widely available to all. It facilitates the culture but doesn't cause it. If it was invented today it would only be available to those who could pay.

argv minus one


I'm afraid that doesn't make any sense. The replicator technology can presumably replicate itself (or at least its own components). It would be exceedingly difficult—probably impossible—to *prevent* it from becoming widely available to all.



@argv_minus_one @econads @ian “Presumably” does a great deal of work in that sentence.

How much work has gone into taking general-purpose computers and locking down their capabilities in order to have payment gateways in place? A massive amount. Every iOS and Android smartphone, for example. Any system that has limitations on what software can be installed.

What company, in today’s capitalist society, having just developed replicators, wouldn’t put such guardrails into them? And use the legal force of patent protections to keep them there? And use their power to sway governments to increase those protections?

@argv_minus_one @econads @ian “Presumably” does a great deal of work in that sentence.

How much work has gone into taking general-purpose computers and locking down their capabilities in order to have payment gateways in place? A massive amount. Every iOS and Android smartphone, for example. Any system that has limitations on what software can be installed.

Steffi the Redhead

@argv_minus_one @econads @ian ROFL.
Why do you think we have licenses and patents and copyright?
As if they would allow you to copy it.

And of course you need licensed technicians to maintain them.

And I think we have to heavily tax the items made by replicators to protect local businesses. Or keep the gold price the same level or something like that.

Yeah ... I think capitalism can make use of them without destroying the system.

@argv_minus_one @econads @ian ROFL.
Why do you think we have licenses and patents and copyright?
As if they would allow you to copy it.

And of course you need licensed technicians to maintain them.

And I think we have to heavily tax the items made by replicators to protect local businesses. Or keep the gold price the same level or something like that.

argv minus one


Licenses and patents and copyright have not sufficed to prevent software piracy or phone/console jailbreaking, and you expect them to suffice to prevent the jailbreaking of a high-tech horn of plenty? No way.

@econads @ian

Steffi the Redhead

@argv_minus_one @econads @ian we don't copy like we did 20 years ago. It has effects.

argv minus one


Because we're not being forced to. We can actually reliably buy/rent software/movies now, without having to drive anywhere and hope the store still carries what we're looking for.

And for software/movies that aren't for sale any longer, we still do copy them. “Abandonware”, it's called.

In your scenario, where the only thing standing between us and post-scarcity paradise is some capitalist's crooked artificial-scarcity scheme, we would be very much forced to.

@econads @ian

Steffi the Redhead

@argv_minus_one @econads @ian I just say there are tools and possibilities. I would fight tooth and nail against them, but I think there are people who wouldn't give up the current situation without a fight.


@argv_minus_one @ian

Which cultural problem would the replicator solve?

It's not hunger. Humans, collectively, have so much food that we throw away lots of it. The reason that some of us starve is that a decision has been taken by others to make it happen. A replicator wouldn't change that.

It's not housing. Same goes for housing.


@argv_minus_one @ian We don't need replicators to solve scarcity. Scarcity is already artificial.

argv minus one


Replicators would make even artificial scarcity impossible.


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