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ansuz / ऐरन

@kristoff this is the last thing I'll say on the matter because it's way outside the scope of the post you replied to:

starting by funding better software that isn't vulnerable to these things.

implement protections for security researchers who report flaws in hardware and software so that critical infrastructure (hospitals, power grid, etc.) can fix those vulnerabilities.

Canada's governement freaked out and banned devices like the flipper zero because it could (allegedly) be used to interfere witth other devices. In cases where those allegations are actually true, the root problem is that those devices were designed to operate in an insecure way.

Security researchers and well informed legislators have been saying all of these things for years, but it resonates more with many voters (and lobbyists) to blame foreigners.

1 comment
Kristoff Bonne 🇪🇺 🇧🇪

@ansuz One thing for you to think about: if a Russian randsomware gang scoops up all the data of a sellers of schoolbooks (as happened here in Belgium) which includes names, addresses, phonenumbers, names of parents, .. count on the FSB to get a copy of that data. I'll leave it up to you to image what the concequence of that could be if you have a job in encryption

Cybersecurity is the responsability of everybody, not just the coders.

I completely agree with your remark on the Flipper zero. 🙄

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