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Erin Kissane

@wraptile Mastodon’s variable reply visibility (because of federation) makes it essentially impossible to correct misinfo via replies; I’ve tried, it doesn’t really work.

Mastodon does not have “post public, decide who replies,” which is what I’m talking about. Several much larger networks do have reply-gating for public posts, and they are used for good and bad purposes, like replies themselves, like blocking, like microblogging.


@kissane to me it feels like "screaming into the public with your ears closed" is a very toxic way to do public discourse even if you disagree about the very valid danger of misinformation here.

What's wrong with just posting privately? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

For a healthy public space it needs the ability to self correct and we know for a fact that peer pressure is effective.

In a more colloquial sense: if you want to talk shit you should be ready to take some shit too lol


@kissane btw mastodon already provides all the tools for moderating this for your own sanity. You can mute conversations, mute/block individuals and post privately.

Ahmet Alphan Sabancı

@wraptile thanks so much for talking like an expert on a topic you barely know anything and clearly have zero experience so that people can see why current tools are not enough and we need reply control. I hope your journey on this path will take you far away from all of us.


@wraptile @kissane > "screaming into the public with your ears closed"

99.999% of the Internet works this way just fine. It is fine to have a website without comment section. It is fine to have an online store and restrict reviews to customers only. I have no idea why Fediverse is so different it must allow everyone to get on particular comment thread and spam the owner before they mute enough people.

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