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@Eliot_L @kerim @vruz @jakehamilton @jschmittwdc @is_googling @neet excellent, thanks for this good work. On another note, do you or anyone have a sense of whether importing *posts* (ie toots, 'publishes'?) from another account, ie one's previous one, is possible or likely to become so? any tools out there, or in development; also, any thought on how that might be viewed on the Mastodon culture?

1 comment
Eliot Lash

@tmccormick I think this is a much trickier problem because of how ActivityPub works. If you imported toots I think the best you could get would be a copy of them without any of the favs, boosts, etc. If it was built into Mastodon you could probably get the timestamps to be correct at least. Importing toots via the API (which is how my list importer works) I think you could get the content but they would all appear to have been just posted immediately. So I dunno if that would be what you want.

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