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Kevin Marks

@Gargron I'm baffled that they (and you, come to that) still use webfinger instead of profile URLs

infinite love ⴳ

@kevinmarks @Gargron webfinger is easier to understand for users imo, it just shouldn't be canonical (it should be a pointer to some other, more stable identifier). there's nothing wrong with just using webfinger, at least as a way of addressing people

Kevin Marks

@trwnh @Gargron I don't mean the @ syntax that you type, that's reasonable and autocompletes well, but as mastodon turns them into URL links when published, encouraging people to share the thing with 2 @'s rather then the URL elsewhere is very confusing, and using the webfinger protocol to map between them rather than a simple string replacement is unneeded overhead.

infinite love ⴳ

@kevinmarks that's only true for mastodon URLs -- remote servers could have `` map to ` via webfinger, which contains neither the original username nor the original domain name. the `@user@domain` is the easiest way for people to share with people without worrying about what URL it will resolve to on the backend (or, in mastodon's case, *not* resolve to -- mastodon uses webfinger as canonical address, unfortunately, since it predates activitypub)

@kevinmarks that's only true for mastodon URLs -- remote servers could have `` map to ` webfinger, which contains neither the original username nor the original domain name. the `@user@domain` is the easiest way for people to share with people without worrying about what URL it will resolve to on the backend (or, in mastodon's case, *not* resolve to -- mastodon uses webfinger as canonical address, unfortunately, since it predates activitypub)

Kevin Marks

@trwnh No, urls are the easiest to share, as you can click on them. And they resolve to have links in, which code can look for as well as people. doesn't have an lrrd link in it's host meta and webfinger 404s gives me useful links, and with one more rel=me added would give you a green tick, like you did with (which has no webfinger either, but has a nice h-card)

infinite love ⴳ

@kevinmarks oh hmm, both and are green ticks for me over here

as far as webfinger resolving, i was giving a hypothetical example that is currently not valid but might be valid in the future when i get around to actually implementing my new (dynamic) website :roundboi:

currently i just have * dns resolving to and any unrecognized resource maps to 404 via nginx

infinite love ⴳ

@kevinmarks fwiw what i was trying to say is that the human-friendly identifier (webfinger) should resolve to the machine-friendly identifier (activitypub id, which can be reasonably resolved via https and parsed by code)

Kevin Marks

@trwnh but it isn't human friendly. is, because humans and browsers know what to do with it.
URLs have had over 30 years to get the infrastructure and knowledge right.

infinite love ⴳ

@kevinmarks well again, that's dealing purely within the realm of mastodon, which i think we can agree does not strictly *need* webfinger, but i still think it is useful for interop

note that the mastodon web domain and webfinger domain do not have to be the same, either -- i could host and have a profile at, but still use the webfinger address for consistency with my email and xmpp (although with that said, i do not wish to run mastodon....)

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