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Uncle Duke

starting to have second thoughts about the contractors i found on craigslist

Zalasur 🐵

@UncleDuke1969 They look like a perfect fit for the job to me

Caroline Kinlund

@zalasur “these plans are 1:1 scale, right? This’ll be a nice spacious place.”


BeAware :fediverse:

@UncleDuke1969 @Thatmermaid_J At least you can be sure they won't be drunk on the job. That's happened a few more times than acceptable in this line of work...

Mastodon Juan :donor:

@UncleDuke1969 They’re wearing Carhartt, so they must be legit.


@mykl @UncleDuke1969
And they have glasses so you know they're smart too

Large Format Projectionist


I think you'd better reaffirm your confidence in your choice, the one on the right looks like she might be picking up on your doubts.

Be a shame if that wall collapsed when you were walking back to your car.

Stu Duerson



They claimed they'd do the work in a dogged fashion.

Tucker Carlson's Nuts

🥥 Have you got a phone number for these contractors, Uncle Duke.
Eye've got a job that involves scritches, belly rubs, and treats that might interested them. 🥥

Gaurav Vaidya

@UncleDuke1969 Excuse me, those glasses RADIATE competence.


@UncleDuke1969 any problem can be made worse by two guys from Craigslist with a backhoe

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