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sam henri gold

CVS supports passkeys and you can create one after you log in. but they don’t let you actually sign in with passkeys. so each time you have to do email, password, then two step with SMS. and then it asks you if you wanna use a passkey. which is a really cool UX.


@samhenrigold this sounds like bank-level security

Chris Wu :toucan:

@samhenrigold I still haven't forgiven them for how hostile they were to Apple Pay.


@samhenrigold PayPal is even worse, it asks for 2FA after passkey…

Григорий Клюшников

So three-factor authentication. I hope their sessions also expire in 15 minutes for Security™


@samhenrigold passkeys they’re just like passwords except if you lose your device you’re locked out forever 🤔

François de La Bruère

@samhenrigold I was curious and just added a passkey to my existing account with 2FA enabled and FWIW their website did let me sign back in without my password or 2FA. Mac Safari using 1Password for the passkey.

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