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Kote Isaev

@aggualaqisaaq Forget rightwing billionaires - GOP openly want dictatorship and helps dictators such as putin and xi. It is not about serving to billionaires in some old fascioned way. One of US parties in 2-party system is full of Kremlin operatives. Literally.



Yup. I wish people would realize that this isn't just a mere "academic" debate about the limits of free speech, but an outright existential, life-or-death battle for the future

Unless we come to our senses and shut this crap down, the fascist cancer will only continue to metastasize—lying, cheating, misinforming, and manipulating its way into seizing absolute power. At which point they will undoubtably and brutally enact censorship of anything inconvenient to their political agenda



Literally, the choice really is that stark: either we act to shut them down, or they will shut all of us down.

Kote Isaev

@aggualaqisaaq Well, simply shut them up is not enough. People should be educated to get immune from far-right disinfo. They should understand why recognition/detection of a lie literally a skill necessary for humankind survival.
Have to note that strong state power /and another strong centralized power/ always lucrative prize the worst people always ready to fight for.



I agree: I strongly think education about critical thinking and disinformation is really the only viable solution. But that's a long-term solution that will take decades to become effective. My concern is that we don't have that much time...I think something needs to be done in the short term

Kote Isaev

@aggualaqisaaq Example of better short-term solution: Nuke Kremlin to make sure that Lenin Crypt with his mummy on the Red Square will boil down. This is simplest short-term solution I know about.
Why? Kremlin clique are crazy sectants who worship some demon, may be baphomet, or some other. So destroying their main temple surely will disrupt their ranks and demoralize them for a while.
Rest of their system will collapse soon thereafter. From CCP to GOP - all parts of sprout will fail apart.

Kote Isaev

@aggualaqisaaq Here is photo of their other temple, named "Main temple of Russian armed forces". Looks more like a temple of a demonic cult, IMO:

Kote Isaev

@aggualaqisaaq Far-rights known for their love for banning books, contraception, aborts, and [name a random thing here] so considering far-rights as proponents of freedom, especially freedom of speech and thought, at least a logical mistake. Likely fatal one.

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