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Delta Chat

As you know, governmental forces within the EU, the US, the UK, Russia and others are in a hot competition on who gets to be the first to subvert end-to-end encryption. A few days ago, we got another letter from Roskomnadzor, the #russia telco authority, to help them get at user data or metadata for #deltachat users. But there is no central registry of e-mail addresses, messages or decryption keys. So we declined. Sorry, not sorry.

Martin Be

@delta Thank you for giving them a middle finger. You're doing that very well. In the contrary to #Mozilla who complained recently to their similar demands.

Wandering Thinker
@delta Thanks for give so such the juicy "f*ck" to the cops and their vertukhai. 👍️
:neocat_scream: kittens!

@delta if they keep insisting, contact legal team, they are doing a great job fighting for net freedoms


@delta yet another argument in favor of federated infrastructures 😊


@delta perhaps this whole discussion needs to be ascended to 'is e2e messaging a human right' no?

Or at least being able to know who can eavesdrop in theory.
For example: I know that the maintainer of my go-to mastodon-instance can eavesdrop in theory, which is far better than a huge company.


@delta but without reading all our private messages #EUGoingDark will happen - NOT


@delta but what will you do when Chat Control becomes law in EU?
Leave the EU market? Still exist for people using android and f-droid or a like?

Delta Chat

@arutaz first of all #chatcontrol needs to be prevented, and if that fails, to be aimed for cancellation at the European courts. Second, assuming it gets through, we will, all relevant parts of the ecosystem being Foss licensed, not be able to stop the proliferation of forks which will be nicely interoperable, thanks to DC being deeply based in the federated practises of the email and openpgp encryption systems. No central key server or messaging transport required.


Роскомпозор продолжает копать под всё и вся.

#roskompozor #roskomnadzor #ru
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