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Kay Ohtie

@soop @sponsorblock YouTube devs or YouTube managers/execs? Wild to think they've fired any dev who thinks it's scummy but does the work anyway and finally found the pool of devs who like ads


I am curious how this scummy. Youtube provides a service under the condition that users watch ads. They stop delivering ads seperatly and include them in the main content stream just as TV does.

I know ads can be accessibility issue. But being able to block them never was intended functionality. So where is the scum.

Alexander Sosedkin
@drawnto @KayOhtie If your Internet Service Provider bans some of the Internet resources, it stops being an Internet Service Provider becomes a subset-of-the-Internet-provider and should be liable for false advertising because it's scummy. By the same logic, if a video hosting starts serving back videos that differ from what uploaded, it stops being a video hosting.



That we can agree on. It's less scum than monarchy & feudalism right now but that's hardly a good thing.

Lana Sarah Aurelia

@drawnto @KayOhtie

Accessibility features should be a default.

Furthermore, browsing without adblockers is like sex with strangers without condoms, but for your computer.

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