@sponsorblock Fingers crossed!

SponsorBlock is perhaps the last effort at making that site viewable instead of a complete dumpster fire that it has devolved into.

Alas, there is no SponsorBlock for real world theaters, which seem to arbitrarily offset start times at random on movies where I pay to attend, so as to maximize audiences sitting through trailers (anywhere from as much as 30 minutes behind listed start times, with usually 15-25 minutes of advertisement "Noovie" bullshit before listed start times).

I was previously Senior System Administrator for CNEMedia (CyberNet Entertainment Media) which pioneered HD live streaming on the web: before YouTube even existed serving static content (heck, CNEMedia was serving static content before Google even existed). We had: 0 ads embedded into videos.

I do not have sufficient words for how much it.sh greed driven advertising tech needs to be eradicated; but I am grateful teams such as yours at least mitigate it downstream, even if it should be eliminated upstream and every individual who contributed to such things get their karmic just deserts.