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@sponsorblock I also noticed that they removed references to their RSS feeds from the HTML document. Those feeds are now no longer easily discoverable. Luckily they are still generated for now.

Should they stop providing those RSS feeds for channels and playlists, I might stop following YouTube creators altogether.

What Google is doing to YouTube is currently my main driver for reducing the usage of Google services even further. E. g. I finally switched my primary search engine away from them.


@fosstastic @sponsorblock what have you chosen for the search engine?


@s1dul Brave Search for web and video searches and Google for image searches.

I chose Brave, as, unlike Bing, it manages to find more relevant results and a more diverse set of websites

I really miss functioning search parameters and filters though (I have to still use Google for that) and would like to find a better, preferably non-American, alternative.
Google is the only search engine that is able to find somewhat (past year) recent images, therefore I had to keep it for image searches.

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